Outreach team
We LOVE partnering with outsiders. If you want to be one of those outsiders contact some of these people!

"Van Hoesen, Daniel"
"one of the founding members of the machine learning club"date joined:
"August 2017"Content team
We are always trying to fill gaps in the offerings in the physics department or at WashU more generally. Scientists aren’t trained to code well! These people get the food, make content (tutorials etc) and maintain our appearance. Jared is our president. Whether he admits it or not!

"Lalmansingh, Jared"
"one of the founding members of the machine learning club"date joined:
"August 2017"
"Johnson, James K"
"Fifth year graduate student. I am one of the founding members of the machine learning club. I work in Dr. Ralf Wessel's neurophysics lab where I study dimensionality reduction through community detection in networks, time-series analysis via delay embedding, model discovery, exploiting scale-freeness for measuring very large systems, and self-organized criticality."date joined:
"August 2017"Club Algorithm
We desire that this club outlive our time at Washington university. That’s a pretty tall order! Our purpose is to fill a big hole that exists in every university every where. There are things you need to learn, but can’t learn from courses or books. The information is badly fragmented and cutting edge. Right now that cutting edge is machine learning. However the club is open to exploring other topics as the need arises.
In order to make sure that future generations of students have the ability to fill that need for themselves we desire that the club have longevity. In order to acheive that we have a simple algorithm centered around 4 principles:
- bring interesting and good food
- have events and programs for people who are not regulars to show up to
- regular meetings have two populations: the advanced members who are working on projects and new members who come because it is a good opportunity to fulfill a promise to themselves and sit through a coursera lecture (especially when they have people who can answer questions)
- Roles are real, but informal and people work in teams. Our outreach team contacts companies and researchers to find interesting projects for us to work on and to help our members get career development exposure (meeting people, and attending external events). Our content team develops internal events such as coding bootcamps, and gathers information about opportunites such as Kaggle projects and new machine learning methods. Our content team is also responsible for food! Everyone is responsible for advertizing to our peers but somethings, (e.g. maintaining our email list and website) are best left to the person most capable of them.
Every week we meet to work together in a social atmosphere. We get pizza whenever possible, currently nobody has time for baking. Every two or three months the club’s regular meeting becomes a strategy session where anyone who wants to be a part of the conversation can help us assess our current content offerings and outreach opportunities and then strategize about the future of the club and leverage our strengths while getting more participation from our peers.
Currently we are the only group of enthusiasts meeting on a regular basis like this on this campus and we hope to continue to outshine the other departments as they bumble along with their stamp collecting.